Leave it to my sweet companion to make things fun! We have a huge job to get all of our directors and consultants registered and trained on new family search. So Elder Allred got the bright idea to make it a game and the winners he would treat to a dinner. He gave them about 2 weeks to complete their assignment. The goal was for the Priesthood leader to get 70% of his stake consultants and director registered and certified by completing the online training. The Saturday of the promised dinner we had our family history center full of Priesthood leaders rushing to finish their assignment. We even had a few at our apartment using our lap tops because we needed more computers. There was excitement all day long and we ended it with a fun party at night. We fed about 20 people. I had to laugh because I remember my boys rushing to the store the last minute for Christmas shopping. I guess it is just a male thing to wait till the last minute. ha But give them a challenge and they all want to WIN!! Who says a mission isn't fun?
Ciera and Paris!!!!
16 years ago
Nobody told me about this dinner challenge!! I am registered and certified so do I get a dinner too?
I beat you to it!
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